11 MAC 2017- A poster design workshop was organized by Exco Publicity and Communication which held at Seminar Room, Sakura College. The program was started at 8 am until 11.30 am. This workshop was to expose the student on how to design a poster with creative and impressive feature.
student lined up for sign-in
The workshop was conducted by Dr. Salmiah bt Abdul Hamid which was invited from faculty of applied and creative arts. Besides that, student from other college were also attended this workshop. In this workshop Dr. Salmiah explained on how is important of design in creating a piece of poster. 

There were many tips from Dr. Salmiah in order to produce a nice eyes catching poster. The four tips that were highlighted by the Dr., first make it easier to read from distance, creating good visual hierarchy and be clever with your composition also avoid too much information in poster.

Next, Dr. Salmiah also shared her recommended software in designing poster which were Adobe Illustrate, Adobe Photoshop and CANVA (online).

The workshop program held was smoothly and successful. The workshop ended at 11.30 a.m. Thank you.

Prepared by,

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