November 2015: Mercy Malaysia is one of the Non-government Organization
that provide medical and humanitarian aid. From the name itself, Mercy means;
M: Motivation, E: Excellence, R: Respect, C: Collaboration, Y: Yearn to serve.
head quarter office is in Kuala Lumpur. In Sarawak, the first office was
located in Miri, brought by Mr Benjamin with his own funding. Current new
office is located in Kuching which was launched in this October. Mr. Temenggong
is the one and only staff of Mercy Malaysia in Sarawak Chapter.
Malaysia was established in 1999. The main funding for Mercy Malaysia are from
public donations including huge companies. Mercy Malaysia have providing their
teams to response for volunteering nationally and globally. These teams include
all professionals around Malaysia including doctors, nurses, clerks, government
servants and many more. Everyone can be a volunteer. Mercy Malaysia have
contributed in many part of the country such as massive flood in Kelantan and
Sarawak. In global state, Mercy Malaysia have already contributed in 10 country
for instance Afganistan, Nepal, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Iraq, India and many
more. 4 main concern of Mercy Malaysia are Wash, Shelter, Nutrition and Health.
peak event that involved volunteers from Mercy Malaysia was in Indian Ocean
Tsunami. Since then, Mercy Malaysia get more recognition from the government
nationally and globally. The teams is now well-known around the world.
4 panels invited to the talk, they shared about their experiences throughout
their journey as a volunteer with the organization. The panels includes a
doctors, two nurses and a staff from Mercy Malaysia Sarawak Chapter. Dr Suzi,
one of the panels, shared her experience regarding her mission to Nepal after
the massive earthquake there. The earthquake killed 8000 of people. The teams
was called when the second earthquake happened.
expect something in return. But from volunteering you will get your own
satisfaction. Have you ever heard, the more you give, the more you’ll get back”,
said Dr Suzi.
listening to all panels’ story, the audiences became emotionally unstable.
Somehow there was a feeling of proud, happy, sad and touched. The volunteering
works is a very noble works that not everyone can do it. It needs passionate,
patient, and the most important element is sincere.
those who interested in becoming a volunteer can simply log in to the Mercy
Malaysia website, print the application form and send it to the office in
Kuching, Sarawak or Kuala Lumpur.
Prepared by: Marjana Darus
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