In conjunction with the 10th year anniversary of Sakura College, Metamour4sis as cool has the event has been appointed to bring out the best meaning of the dubbed name as to celebrate the years of rising and shining of the college, a Zumba; which was branching from the lots of activities held for all the residents of Sakura College and nevertheless residents from other colleges as well, has been successfully sweated out on November 21, 2015 of last Saturday.
Attracted quite a big number of residents from other colleges, the dance fitness by means of working-out, has opened the counters for registration at the early of 7:00 AM with RM 1 of fee per person since each participant would be supplied with a bottle of mineral water. Metamour4sis Main Stage which was near to the Sakura College’s Block C Car Park has been chosen as the venue to carry on with the activity.
Residents of Sakura College could be clearly spotted by the fact that the girls were sporting pink and black outfits as according to the theme. Residents from other colleges on the other hand were having the privilege to be on the very front lines of the formation.
Lead by one instructor, there were five all together of the aiders in order to the help in showing the motions of the Zumba to all the participants. To spice the Zumba up, of about seven catchy and nice beats songs were played for the movements to coordinate with. The instructor was first showing the step-by-step without the help from the song for the participants to follow, and then resumed to rock the moves with the beats when everyone seemed to finally comfortable with the aerobic fitness dance.
It was started off first with warming up the body with the general steps and also ended with the steps of reversing the warming up’s by means of cooling down.
Prepared by: Dg Nadila
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