A brand new mind-engaging and skill-requiring game, Bridge Building Challenge which organized and managed successfully by Entrepreneurship has kicked off the Saturday morning on March 5, 2015.
The Seminar Room of Block A began to be filled with the 10 builder groups which pre-registered through Sakura’s facebook page and another 5 Entrepreneurship-representing groups at around 7:30 A.M. Each team of builders and Entrepreneurship representative (E representatives) competed according to their category as in builders versus builders and E representatives against E representatives.

For the first half hour, participants were explained about the rules, the dos and don’ts as to ensure the understanding of the players and smooth flow of the game by the program director.
As the game started off, each builder group was given the same amount of money and only one of the members of each builder groups was allowed to purchase items from either of the shops (E representatives) for the stuffs that they would use to build up their bridges.
Since a limited time was given for the purchasing activities, the game has indirectly taught the builders to think, plan and decide wisely on the items that help in build their desired bridges. Builders were given a plenty of time as to construct their bridges with constant reminder from the organizer about how much time left and the things that would make their bridges to be disqualified.

Prepared by: Dg Nadila
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