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As for an epic beginning, Sakura College would like to greet the warmest welcome to all the new students of University Malaysia Sarawak publicly and Sakura residents specifically which has just survived the orientation about a week ago. Welcome everybody! Yet, not to forget about the winning of Sakura College on cheers competition among colleges, congratulation!
After months in the state of idle, now Sakura College is back with its various yet powerful and beneficial activities! Being one of the earliest events/programmes held, Miftah Al-Bait 4.0 has actually drew in many attendees especially new students to enjoy and reflect upon its contents on Thursday, September 10th, 2015.
As organized by the Personality Development and Spirituality Bureau (Exco Pembangunan Sahsiah dan Kerohanian), this time's theme of this fourth succession event was "perbaharui yang biasa, biasakan yang diperbaharui" as in Malay which could be directly translated as "update the usual, familiarize the renewed".
At about 5:50 PM, the registration counter to sign in has been opened for all Muslimah of Sakura College. While waiting for other participants, Al-Ma'thurat have been distributed to everyone in the Seminar Room of Sakura College. The recital of Al-Ma'thurat began as the clock reached 6:30 PM.

As the Maghrib prayer has heen performed, it was the time for Surah Yasiin recital and followed by the peak time of the event, a talk by the special guest, Ustazah Nur Ainina binti Zakaria which majoring in Honors BS in Cognitive Science (UNIMAS) and currently a teacher at Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin, Kuching.

As an opener, Ustazah Ainina has reminding everyone in the Seminar Room about the lucky life they're living in right now compared to other brothers and sisters as in Palestine and Syria. It is what has to be appreciated and thanked of, she said.
The atmosphere of the event enlightened by the way Ustazah Ainina pulled the talk; questions and answers. By stating the fact that "our life shaped by our mindset", consequently, she brought up the three [human] elements; jasad (bodies), hati (heart) and akal (wit). Significantly, jasad (bodies) is responsible for carrying things out while hati (heart) is intention's. Not to forget akal (wit) which accountable to differentiate between the rights and wrongs. She has also exposed the fact that the three of the elements are complement to each other. Meaning that the absence of either of the elements would imperfect human's ibadah.

Ustazah Ainina on the other hand didn't forget to share some hadiths as for the strong proof to support her facts. As for the conclusion of the talk, she lined it out perfectly - everything begins with intentions.
Isya' prayer has marked the end of the Miftah Al-Bait 4.0.
"Ask your heart"
For more pictures, kindly direct to: Sakura College Official Facebook
Prepared by: Dg Nadila
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