Design by: SEB Graphic Designer
It is a must-have event of every semester for the Meeting With Principal, Fellow and Students (Perjumpaan Pengetua, Felo dan Pelajar) to be on the first week of the semester's beginning as a meet and greet session to the new students and as well as to the current students. It was aimed to deliver and spread informations regarding college matters. This time, it fell on Wednesday, September 9, 2015.
At the early of 7:00 PM, residents of Sakura College have already gathered around and queued at the CTF 1 as to filling the sign in form. Unfortunately, the venue has to be changed to CTF 2 due to some irresistible inconveniences.

Everyone in the Lecture Hall of CTF2 paid their respect to the UNIMAS Official Anthem as well as the Sakura College's official song, Tekad Sakura by standing up straight and sang along upon the VIPs' arrival.

Started by a brief self-introduction by the new Felo (Fellow) of the college, Madam Noor Aliah binti Abdul Majid, it then followed by an official statements and some relaxed talks by the Pengetua (Principal), Miss Siti Nor Ain binti Hj Musa.

Literally, the principal of Sakura College spoke about the rules, the do's and the don't's that have to be applied by the resident of Sakura College. Nevertheless, she has also reminded everyone to balance-in between their studies and participation in the college activities.

A question and answer session has been opened right after Miss Norain finished her talk. With that, this time Meeting with Principal, Felo and Students has marked its end.
"Don't give the vanished days a backward look,
Start where you stand."
For more pictures, kindly direct to: Sakura College Official Facebook
Prepared by: Dg Nadila
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