Although the weather seemed to be raining lightly, the ‘Sumo Kain Pelikat’, of which inspired by the famous sports in Japan, Sumo, that adapted to the Malaysian traditional wearing, sarong or ‘kain pelikat’ (for men), was still continued and succeed until the last bit of the event. Proudly, the participations from other colleges were highly anticipated and satisfied since the Sumo Kain Pelikat was only open to male.
The Sumo Kain Pelikat was directed to the rules that lined out by the original Sumo sports with some adaptations. Each team consisted of three members. Each member from each team fought against each other and whenever the member lost to the opponent, the other member from the lost team would send another fighter. The last team standing, with the lowest fouls is the winner.
Due to the apparent condition of the weather that day, 27th November 2016, the venue for the Sumo Kain Pelikat has been changed from the main court in front of Sakura College to the fully-grassed area near to the main site of the Sakura@Kenyalang stage. The announcement as well as prize-giving ceremony for the result of the game only happened during the Closing Ceremony of the Sakura@Kenyalang Festival on 29th November 2016, Tuesday.
The result of the Sumo Kain Pelikat is as follow;
1st Sumo-lah
2nd TAZ B
3rd TAZ A
Prepared by: D. Nadila. F. D.
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