and Sunday, 16-17 April – The 58 participants of Smart Caliph Camp from SMK
Kota Samarahan arrived to Sakura College around 7.40 am and registration began
immediately until 8.15 am. The camp began with welcoming remarks from the MC.
The MC began to explain the rules that must be followed by the participants
while at Sakura College such as during the entire program, the mobile phones of
the participants will be kept by the committee and the persons whom the parents
should contact. The MC also mentioned that throughout the entire program, male
participants will be referred to as “adik-adik kasih” and the female
participants “adik-adik sayang”.
The program director was invited to
speak and she gave further reminders and additional information on the program.
The participants were given 5 minutes to inform their parents that their phones
are to be kept by the committee. The first slot began a bit later than
scheduled due to some technical difficulties which was soon resolved. The
participants were introduced to the moderator, facilitators and committee
members of the program. The moderator was En. Mohd Sufri Bin Yakup, member of
the Youth Parliament for Sarawak.
The participants sang the theme song
of the program which was “Gemuruh Jiwa by Faizal Tahir”. The participants were
told of the 10 ethics or disciplines of the program that they should adhered
to. The first slot by the name Knowing Me, Knowing You is all about getting to
know each other and the facilitators. “Tepuk amai-amai” was conducted by the
participants at different speeds with their partners. Then, a demonstration by
several pairs of the 3 different speed as well as the creative version of the
“Tepuk amai-amai”. The song “Satu Tekad by U.N.I.C.” was sang by the
participants and facilitator. The participants were then divided into groups in
order to create their army yell. The session was conducted inside as well as
outside according to the facilitators. The best army yell by popularity vote is
by the Ba Kenyalang group. The song “Satu Tekad” was sanfg once more before the
participants were dismissed for lunch.
The second slot is Nikmat oh Nikmat
where there is a sharing on what is nikmat.
The participants sang the song “Sahabat by Upin & Ipin”. The participants
shared their experience on nikmat
with their friends of which some of the response are the nikmat that they experienced are friends that understand and are
always by their side. They are then divided into pairs and are blindfolded and
their mouth taped. The facilitators and committee members then moved the
participants away from their partners. Then, the participants are to find their
partners without the use of their eyes and mouth. If the participants were
unable to find their partners before the time limit, they are allowed to call
out their partners’ name. After the activity, the participants watched several
videos on the greatness of Allah and of gratefulness to Him. The participants
are then allowed to move to their rooms. They also received their food around
About 4.30 pm, the participants have
a slot riadah divided by gender. Later in the evening, the next slot is Meniti
Angin Malam. In this slot, the participants were guided to reflect on the
realisation of their shortcomings, on prayers for their parents and on death.
Part of the slot is acting out the event of the experience of the soul after
death by the committee members and facilitators. The participants then retired
for the night.
The next morning after breakfast,
they have their next slot which is Hijrahku. In this slot, the meaning of hijrah was explored and it is about
change to something better. The participants were then asked to write down the
changes they would like to make within 2 weeks of the program as a friend, a
son or daughter and as a student. Some of the participants shared what they
have written down such as getting straight As in SPM for their parents.
While the participants were in
Hijrahku, their parents or representatives of their parents were in the Bilik
Seminar for a sharing session with En. Sufri in a slot called Ku Sayang Ibu, Ku
Sayang Ayah. Some of the sharing is that teenagers listened more to their
friends’ advices and therefore it is the duty of the parents to guide their
children to good friends. Soon after both slots ended, the participants were
reunited with their parents and representatives in Menyemai Kasih, Menuai
Sayang. The participants were encouraged by the moderator to have a
heart-to-heart with their parents. The participants and their parents also
watched several videos to highlight on the bond between parents and children.
The closing ceremony began around
11.30 am. The MC called upon the representative of the Principal of SMK Kota
Samarahan who could not make to the program as there was another program held
at the school, Pn. Dayang Azizah Binti Mohd Salleh. She gave thanks to Sakura
College for conducting Smart Caliph Camp, that the program brings a lot of
benefits to the participants and that should another program like it is held,
the school is willing to participate. Then, there was a speech by the Principal
of Sakura College, Cik Ain who congratulated the committee member for a
successful program and that maybe in the future, another program like it might
be held. After that is the viewing of the montage video of the 2-days program
and then followed by presentation of certificate to the representatives of the
participants as well as the facilitator.
Commemoration gifts were then
presented to the moderator, En. Sufri, representative of the Principal of SMK
Kota Samarahan, Pn. Dayang Azizah and to the Principal of Sakura College, Cik
Ain. The gifts were presented by Cik Ain and the program director respectively.
Pliny Narong
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