Smart Caliph Camp 2.0

Held for three days; 28th, 29th and 30th of October 2017 at Kg Sibau Rumbau, Simunjan, Exco Pembangunan Sahsiah Kolej Sakura with the cooperation of Yayasan Salam Sarawak and HIKMAH Kuching branch held a program called “Smart Caliph Camp 2.0”. This program is the second program that has been implemented to keep track of the participants involved in the Muhammad's Generation Camp program in the last semester.

On the first day; October 28, 2017, the committees arrived at Kg Sibau Rumbau at 10 a.m. and welcomed by the villagers. Subsequently, a simple briefing before the commencement of the activity was presented by Ustaz Husien, which is da’ie of Simunjan region. Then, the committees immediately cooked lunch and performed zuhr prayer.

Activities started upon the arrival of participants from several nearby villages. Activity starts with LDK 1: Ice Breaking which gives participants and committees an opportunity to get acquainted with each other. The participants are then divided into groups based on the pieces of animal pictures and each piece should be combined to get a perfect picture. Right after that, Slot Kreatif ‘Kenali Dirimu’ is held where participants drew their ambitions and presented them in front of everyone. Activity goes on with Slot 1: Meniti Alam Manusia that touches on the purpose of the participants' life as a human being. 

On the second day, the committees are divided into three teams, namely ‘painting team’, ‘cooking team’ and ‘activity team’. Each team went to the designated place and started the task given. For activity team, the activity with the participants started with Slot 2: Story Telling. This slot tells the story of the Anbiya' such as Muhammad and Ibrahim. Then, some tele match activities are held before the closing ceremony took place.

Around 12.00 p.m., everyone went to the closing ceremony. The honored guests are as follows;
- UNIMAS Representative as well as volunteer from Yayasan Salam,
- Ketua Kampung Sibau Rumbau, Simunjan,
- Director of Smart Caliph Camp 2.0, Sitti Aishah binti Najamudin
- HIKMAH Representative, Ustaz Haji Muhd Husein bin Haji Mustafa, and
- Yayasan Salam Representative, Mrs. Zakiah Haji Ahmat

After a short opening speech from Ms. Sitti Aishah, followed by Mr. Sebly bin Hassan and Ustaz Haji Muhd Husein bin Haji Mustafa, a speech from Prof Madya Dr. Thelaha bin Haji Masri which later officiating the closing ceremony of the Smart Caliph Camp 2.0 with each of them congratulating the committees for a successful program. The ceremony continued with a prize-giving ceremony to 60 participants and ‘Tokoh Smart Caliph’ is awarded to Syafiqa Sheera binti Mohamad. Then, director of Smart Caliph Camp 2.0, Sitti Aishah binti Najamudin is invited to the stage once again to hand a token of appreciation to all the honored guests. The ceremony came to a close at around 2 p.m. with everyone gathered for a commemorative group photo.

On the last day, the program came to an end at 12.00 p.m. after gotong-royong and post-mortem, with the villagers saying goodbye to the committees before returning to UNIMAS.

Prepared by,

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