Score It With Your Senior

Score It With Your Senior

Oleh : Aisya Fathiya Che Rosli

20 Sept – Satu program ilmiah yang bertajuk ‘Score It With Your Senior’ telah dianjurkan oleh bahagian Exco Akademik dan Kerjaya Kolej Sakura yang bertempat di Bilik Seminar Kolej Sakura. Program ini melibatkan pembabitan Jawatankuasa Perwakilan (JPK) Kolej Sakura sesi 2014/2015 dalam satu sesi perkongsian bersama-sama pelajar baharu sesi ambilan 2015/2016. Ng Chai Yin selaku pengarah program ini berkata antara objektif utama program ini adalah untuk merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim antara pelajar baharu dan pelajar lama di samping berkongsi pengalaman-pengalaman dalam bidang akademik. 

Seramai 20 orang pelajar dari setiap fakulti  iaitu Fakulti Kejuruteraan (FK), Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat (FSKTM), serta Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Manusia (FSKPM) terlibat dalam menjayakan program ini. Antara sebab utama hanya tiga fakulti ini dipilih adalah kerana tiga fakulti ini mempunyai antara pelajar yang paling ramai mendapat tempat di Kolej Sakura. Oleh itu pihak Exco Akademik dan Kerjaya Kolej Sakura, mengambil inisiatif dengan mengadakan program ini bagi membantu majoriti putri-putri Sakura untuk lebih cemerlang dalam aspek akademik. 

Mantan Presiden Kolej Sakura iaitu Saudari Syahidatulnuraisyah antara yang dijemput untuk berkongsi tips-tips serta pengalaman beliau sebagai pelajar di Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat (FSKTM) bersama-sama pelajar baharu sementara Saudari Nurul Aufa Abd Majid bertindak sebagai pengacara untuk majlis ini. Kehadiran hampir semua Jawatankuasa Perwakilan (JPK) Kolej Sakura sesi 2014/2015 turut menambahkan lagi keceriaan majlis pada kali ini. 

Majlis berakhir pada jam 11.30 pagi dengan sesi penyampaian hadiah kepada tetamu jemputan.

Pelancaran Kempen ‘Spread Salam’

Pelancaran Kempen ‘Spread Salam’

Oleh : Aisya Fathiya Che Rosli

12 Sept - Buat julung-julung kalinya, Kolej Sakura dengan kerjasama Exco Pembangunan Sahsiah Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Pelajar Kolej Sakura 2014/2015 telah menganjurkan sebuah kempen yang bertajuk ‘Spread Salam’. Sesi pelancaran bagi kempen ini telah berlangsung di Bilik Seminar, Pusat Islam Tun Abang Salahuddin (PITAS) dengan dihadiri oleh muslimin dan muslimat dari kolej-kolej kediaman UNIMAS. Majlis pelancaran kempen bermula pada jam 8.30 dengan diserikan lagi oleh kehadiran penceramah jemputan iaitu Encik Fadly Hasbi dan juga Pengetua Kolej Sakura, Cik Siti Nur Ain Haji Musa.

Bagi memeriahkan majlis, pihak penganjur telah menyediakan sebuah video menarik bagi menerangkan secara umum konsep bagi Kempen ‘Spread Salam’ ini. Cik Siti Nur Ain dengan berbesar hatinya menyempurnakan pelancaran Kempen ‘Spread Salam’ ini yang mana beliau turut menzahirkan rasa simpati dan dukacita berhubung tragidi yang menimpa Jemaah Haji Malaysia di Tanah Suci Makkah baru-baru ini. 

Majlis diteruskan dengan sesi perkongsian bersama penceramah jemputan, Encik Fadly Hasbi yang bertugas di Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) cawangan Kuching. Beliau menerangkan tentang kepentingan memberi salam atau bertegur sapa kepada sesama muslim dan juga bukan muslim. Isu ini amat penting dan menjadi tonggak utama kepada terjalinnya sesebuah hubungan persahabatan dalam kalangan penghuni Kolej Sakura yang sememangnya terdiri daripada berbilang kaum, bangsa dan agama. Beliau sangat berharap supaya amalan ini dapat dipraktikkan dengan sebaiknya oleh putri-putri Sakura.

Majlis berakhir pada jam 10.30 malam dengan sesi penyampaian cenderahati oleh Cik Siti Nur Ain kepada penceramah jemputan. 

Meeting The Senioritas

Meeting The Senioritas

Oleh : Aisya Fathiya Che Rosli

11 September -  Bagi mengalu-alukan kedatangan pelajar baharu dalam kolej Sakura, satu program bertemakan ‘Meeting The Senioritas’ telah diadakan di Bilik Seminar Sakura. Pengarah program, saudari Siti Syuhaida Safaai berkata, antara objektif program adalah untuk membentuk ukhuwah di antara pelajar baharu dan pelajar lama yang mana ianya penting bagi menghidupkan lagi semangat Kolej Sakura. Seramai 60 orang pelajar baharu telah menyertai program yang berlangsung selama dua jam ini. 

Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan ialah sesi ‘Ice breaking’ dan Latihan Dalam Kumpulan (LDK) bagi memupuk semangat berkumpulan. Program turut diserikan dengan sesi perbincangan antara pelajar lama dan pelajar baharu mengenai persoalan hal berkaitan Kolej Sakura dan juga fakulti-fakulti di UNIMAS yang mana dapat membantu dalam aspek akademik mereka. Program ini berakhir pada jam 6 petang. Para peserta yang menyertai program ini begitu teruja kerana dapat menimba ilmu daripada pelajar lama yang sememangnya mempunyai pengalaman dan berharap program seperti ini dapat diadakan lagi pada masa akan datang. 

Picnic Cream O

16 September 2015 | Khamis

Di saat semua warga Malaysia menyambut Hari Malaysia pada 16 September 2015 bersamaan hari Rabu yang lepas, sekumpulan pelajar dari Kolej Sakura telah menyertai program luar yang diberi nama ‘Picnic Cream-O’. Program yang bersifat santai ini memberi peluang buat 70 orang peserta untuk turut serta beriadah di Pantai Pasir Panjang.

Peserta sedang menunggu bas untuk ke Pantai Pasir Panjang

Selepas sesi pendaftaran, peserta bertolak ke Pantai Pasir Panjang seawal jam 7.00 pagi. Menurut pengarah program ini, program ‘Picnic Cream-O’ ini bertujuan untuk peserta berkenalan antara satu sama lain dan sekaligus merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim dalam kalangan peserta. Peserta majoritinya terdiri dari pelajar baru Kolej Sakura yang baru sahaja mendaftar awal bulan ini.

Peserta sedang melakukan salah satu aktiviti di tepi pantai

Pelbagai aktiviti menarik dilakukan oleh semua peserta semasa berada di Pantai Pasir Panjang. Kemuncak program, pada jam 10.00 pagi semua peserta dihidangkan biskut ‘Cream-O’! Sesuai dengan nama program ini. Mereka turut dijamu air buah-buahan yang sangat sedap.

Kesemua peserta sangat gembira dapat memanfaatkan hari cuti mereka dengan baik bersama rakan-rakan di sini. Selain dapat melakukan perkara berfaedah, peserta juga dalam mengeratkan lagi hubungan bersama warga Kolej Sakura.

Semua peserta bersiap untuk pulang pada pukul 12.00 tengahari.

Diharap supaya semua warga Sakura menjadikan program ini sebagai kenangan terindah bila mereka pulang ke rumah masing-masing selepas menamatkan pengajian nanti.

Selamat Hari Malaysia warga Sakura!

Disediakan oleh: Marjana Darus

College Orientation

Another event which was specifically organized for the new students of Sakura College had been held last Saturday, September 9th, 2015. Compulsory for all new students, there were actually two venues allocated, which were the Surau Kolej Sakura and the Seminar Room as to conduct the College Orientation (Orientasi Kolej) due to the limited spaces that had to occupy a big number of the new students.

The registration counter was opened at 7:30 AM. For first, all of the new students requested to assemble in the Seminar Room for distribution of groups. There were 16 groups of all. The organizers of the event had decided to divide the groups into two according to the places. Groups with odd number would stay in the Seminar Room while the even number groups would resume the flow of the event at Surau Kolej Sakura.

Mainly, the names of every group were inspired by childhood cartoons or computer-animated fantasy. There were Doraemon, Minion, Aladdin, Naruto, Pokemon, Winx, Power Rangers, Shin Chan, Hagemaru, Ninja Turtle, Frozen, Ben 10, One Piece, Pink Panther, Shrek. Before proceed to the games, every group were given 5-10 minutes to know with their respective facilitator and create their own cheers.

The points (marks) were given by the amount of chocolate balls collected by each of the groups. For every game, only top five groups would be given the chocolate balls which would be the points.

For the first game, every group had to choose six peoples which was one of them would be the leader (instructors) and the rest of them would be blindfolded (received and carried out what had been instructed).

The second game was inspired by the crossword puzzle and hidden words games. Firstly, everyone in the group had to fill in their name by letters according to the boxes without leaving even a space. When they had finished, it was time to find and search any words that have meaning despite of any languages from the boxes that they had filled up their names. Groups with the most words would get the highest point.

For the third game, it was a "teka teki" (guess what) game. Each facilitator from each group would pick a paper which had been written with a sentence, idioms or expressions. One person from each group would be the first person to mime and act creatively as to deliver what was written in the paper to the 'next person'. The 'next person' that had received the informations then would act and mime to be guessed by the another next person. It went on and on until the last person in the group. The rule was; no voice. 

The fourth game was a "bomb" game of which each groups would compete with each other by pronouncing their opponent's name as for the attack purpose. This game needed a lot of focus and interpreting. Once the attacked group failed to react quickly to the attacker, they were automatically eliminated.

And the last game which was the fifth game was a "chicken fight" game which was inspired from Running Man. Ten person from each group were choosen as representatives. With the players lifted and folded either one of their legs, then they were ready to attack their opponents. The rules were no hands and once the players were attacked that their folded leg fell, they were out. 

Overall, everyone was enjoying their time and had fun during the orientation. As the last game had completed, all groups were then assembled again in the Seminar Room as for the announcement of the winners and photograph session. 

Congratulation to Ben 10, Hagemaru and Naruto that had secured the winner, second runner-up and third place respectively. With that, the Orientation College had finally come to an end.

"When we are having fun, 
Time does not weight a ton
when we are having fun
Time slip off fast waits for none! "

For more pictures, kindly direct to: Sakura College Official Facebook

Prepared by: Dg Nadila

Perjumpaan Pengetua, Felo & Pelajar

Design by: SEB Graphic Designer

It is a must-have event of every semester for the Meeting With Principal, Fellow and Students (Perjumpaan Pengetua, Felo dan Pelajar) to be on the first week of the semester's beginning as a meet and greet session to the new students and as well as to the current students. It was aimed to deliver and spread informations regarding college matters. This time, it fell on Wednesday, September 9, 2015.

At the early of 7:00 PM, residents of Sakura College have already gathered around and queued at the CTF 1 as to filling the sign in form. Unfortunately, the venue has to be changed to CTF 2 due to some irresistible inconveniences.

Everyone in the Lecture Hall of CTF2 paid their respect to the UNIMAS Official Anthem as well as the Sakura College's official song, Tekad Sakura by standing up straight and sang along upon the VIPs' arrival. 

Started by a brief self-introduction by the new Felo (Fellow) of the college, Madam Noor Aliah binti Abdul Majid, it then followed by an official statements and some relaxed talks by the Pengetua (Principal), Miss Siti Nor Ain binti Hj Musa.

Literally, the principal of Sakura College spoke about the rules, the do's and the don't's that have to be applied by the resident of Sakura College. Nevertheless, she has also reminded everyone to balance-in between their studies and participation in the college activities.

A question and answer session has been opened right after Miss Norain finished her talk. With that, this time Meeting with Principal, Felo and Students has marked its end. 

"Don't give the vanished days a backward look,
Start where you stand."

For more pictures, kindly direct to: Sakura College Official Facebook

Prepared by: Dg Nadila

Jom Masuk Syurga!

- Salam Sakura ku Sayang -

Pada 7 September 2015 bersamaan hari Isnin, satu program Jom Masuk Syurga! telah dianjurkan oleh pelajar Kolej Sakura. Pengarahnya, saudari Siti Syuhaida Safaai telah mengadakan program dengan menyasarkan peserta dari kalangan pelajar baru Kolej Sakura.
Program bermula dengan pendaftaran 7.15 malam. Program dimulakan dengan Solat Berjemaah fardhu Isyak. Selesai solat, pelajar dikumpulkan dan pengerusi majlis memulakan majlis dengan memperkenalkan moderator jemputan.
Slot pertama dikendalikan oleh moderator Noor Syifaa Othman yang merupakan pelajar tahun 4 bagi bidang pengajian Kaunseling. Dalam slot pertama, pelajar dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan. Mereka dibekalkan dua helai kertas berbentuk boring kajian untuk mengetahui cara belajar setiap pelajar.
Pada akhir slot, pelajar dapat mengenalpasti cara belajar masing-masing yang terdiri daripada kumpulan visual, digital, kinestatik dan audio. Setiap kumpulan mempunyai ciri-ciri yang tersendiri. Dengan mengetahui ciri-ciri tersebut, pelajar dapat mengetahui cara belajar terbaik untuk mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan.

Slot kedua pula dikendalikan oleh moderator Nur Amalina Ruzaidi atau lebih mesra dipanggil Mina. Beliau merupakan bakal graduan tahun 2015 dalam bidang Sumber Manusia.
Di slot kedua, pelajar didedahkan dengan cara mengendalikan kerja seharian sebagai seorang pelajar. Pelbagai tips dan cara untuk menguruskan masa diajar dalam slot ini. Pada akhir slot, pelajar diberikan kuiz ringkas. Setiap pelajar yang dapat menjawab dengan betul diberi hadiah yang terdiri daripada baucer KFC, buku nota dan kalendar.
Diharap semua pelajar mendapat info yang berguna sepanjang program ini. Program tamat pada pukul 10.30 malam.

Disediakan oleh: Marjana Darus

Miftah Al-Bait 4.0

Design by: SEB Graphic Designer

As for an epic beginning, Sakura College would like to greet the warmest welcome to all the new students of University Malaysia Sarawak publicly and Sakura residents specifically which has just survived the orientation about a week ago. Welcome everybody! Yet, not to forget about the winning of Sakura College on cheers competition among colleges, congratulation!

After months in the state of idle, now Sakura College is back with its various yet powerful and beneficial activities! Being one of the earliest events/programmes held, Miftah Al-Bait 4.0 has actually drew in many attendees especially new students to enjoy and reflect upon its contents on Thursday, September 10th, 2015.

As organized by the Personality Development and Spirituality Bureau (Exco Pembangunan Sahsiah dan Kerohanian), this time's theme of this fourth succession event was "perbaharui yang biasa, biasakan yang diperbaharui" as in Malay which could be directly translated as "update the usual, familiarize the renewed".

At about 5:50 PM, the registration counter to sign in has been opened for all Muslimah of Sakura College. While waiting for other participants, Al-Ma'thurat have been distributed to everyone in the Seminar Room of Sakura College. The recital of Al-Ma'thurat began as the clock reached 6:30 PM.

As the Maghrib prayer has heen performed, it was the time for Surah Yasiin recital and followed by the peak time of the event, a talk by the special guest, Ustazah Nur Ainina binti Zakaria which majoring in Honors BS in Cognitive Science (UNIMAS) and currently a teacher at Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin, Kuching.

As an opener, Ustazah Ainina has reminding everyone in the Seminar Room about the lucky life they're living in right now compared to other brothers and sisters as in Palestine and Syria. It is what has to be appreciated and thanked of, she said.

The atmosphere of the event enlightened by the way Ustazah Ainina pulled the talk; questions and answers. By stating the fact that "our life shaped by our mindset", consequently, she brought up the three [human] elements; jasad (bodies), hati (heart) and akal (wit). Significantly, jasad (bodies) is responsible for carrying things out while hati (heart) is intention's. Not to forget akal (wit) which accountable to differentiate between the rights and wrongs. She has also exposed the fact that the three of the elements are complement to each other. Meaning that the absence of either of the elements would imperfect human's ibadah.

Ustazah Ainina on the other hand didn't forget to share some hadiths as for the strong proof to support her facts. As for the conclusion of the talk, she lined it out perfectly - everything begins with intentions.

Isya' prayer has marked the end of the Miftah Al-Bait 4.0.

"Ask your heart"

For more pictures, kindly direct to: Sakura College Official Facebook

Prepared by: Dg Nadila