Sakura@Kenyalang : Perang Melawan Mitos

Perang Melawan Mitos
oleh : Fatin Shahirah bt Amanzuria

23 Mac 2018 – "Kita adalah musuh pada perkara yang kita tak tahu". Bersempena festival Sakura@Kenyalang, pihak jawatankuasa kolej Sakura tidak melepaskan peluang menganjurkan ceramah kesihatan. Ceramah yang bertajuk ‘Perang Melawan Mitos’ telah disampaikan oleh penceramah jemputan iaitu Dr Khairul Hafidz Alkhair bin Khairul Amin, Penolong Pengarah Kanan, Cawangan Penyakit Tidak Berjangkit merangkap pengasas dan pengerusi Persatuan Tweet Perubatan Malaysia (Medical Tweet Malaysia medtweetmy)

Dalam ceramah tersebut, Dr. Hafizd merungkai penerangan di sebalik setiap pertanyaan seperti adakan mandi malam menyebabkan paru-paru berair? Adakah betul tindakan meletakkan ubat gigi di kulit yang melecur? Deodoran penyebab kanser? Makan cili akan sebabkan keradangan apendiks? Adakah herd immunity setelah divaksinkan kanak-kanak itu agenda Yahudi? Betulkah apabila terkena angin ahmar (stroke) maka kita perlu titiskan darah di jari mangsa?

Banyak pertanyaan kesihatan itu berkisarkan kepada kepercayaan lama yang turun dari zaman berzaman. Sebelum ini rakyat Malaysia dan orang Melayu khasnya memang menurut kepercayaan lama dan pantang larang yang tidak diketahui siapa yang memulainya.

Katanya lagi, ia merupakan langkah awal untuk melahirkan rakyat yang sihat dan cergas sekali gus menepis panduan yang tidak tepat, salah atau sekadar mitos oleh mereka yang bukan pakar yang menimbulkan stigma, komplikasi penyakit bahkan menyebabkan kematian.

Kini persoalan-persoalan tersebut akan terjawab apabila kumpulan doktor-doktor yang aktif memberikan informasi kesihatan di Twitter dengan #MedTweetMy menghasilkan buku bertajuk Perang Melawan Mitos (PMM). Jelasnya, buku itu ditulis supaya rakyat faham ada kepercayaan lama nenek moyang kita ini yang tiada asas dan kadangkala boleh menyebabkan natijah yang kurang baik kepada pesakit.

Antara 36 penulis yang menghasilkan 62 artikel di dalam buku itu ialah Dr Khairul Hafidz Alkhair, Dr Anwar Fazal Abu Bakar, Dr Beni Rusani, Dr Rafidah Abdullah, Dr Kamarul Ariffin Nor Sadan, Dr Mahyuddin Mohamed, Suhazeli Abdullah dan Jazlina Shahrul. Marilah kita runtukan tembok kebebalan dengan ilmu.

Fatin Shahirah binti Amanzuria

Sakura@Kenyalang : Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony Sakura@Kenyalang
by : Fatin Shahirah binti Amanzuria

24th March 2018 - After nine days, the Sakura@Kenyalang Festival has finally said its farewell on the 24th of March 2018 which was on Saturday. This is the first event in charity program this year whereby Sakura college and have collaboration through Society of The Blind Malaysian (SBM) Cawangan Sarawak and Sarawak Society of The Blind Malaysia (SSM).

The arrival of the VIPs, the Head of (Principal) Sakura College, Miss Siti Nor Ain bt Haji Musa and the honourable Hajjah Rosey bt Haji Yunus, Menteri Muda Wanita, Keluarga dan Pembangunan Kanak-kanak Sarawak accompanied by honorary guests was followed up by the singing to the National anthem and also UNIMAS-Ku Gemilang. Montage videos was served first before the official speeches and statement as to mark the closing of the festival. 

Next thing was the peak of the ceremony - a speech from the honourable Hajjah Rosey bt Haji Yunus. In her speech, she has pointed out the benefits of managing and doing such charity event and not to forget congratulating everyone for their participations and supports. She also hopes such convention could be made in the future and later officiating the closing ceremony of the Sakura@Kenyalang.  

By the time the ceremony has been officiated, next up was the most-awaited part of the event which is the prize-giving ceremony to the winners as well as the participants of activities that have been held along the Sakura@Kenyalang Festival.

Started with a strong and energetic acoustic performance by En. Shamri bin Hamdan or famous known as Kotai. He is a visually impaired musician at the Waterfront Kuching with his great performances. The most-impatient charity singing by ‘Raja Ost’ Ippo Hafiz! His performance steal everyone's attention. never fail to put people into the state of amazed by. Inhesitantly deserved hands down and a heavy applauses from everyone at the main stage. 

 That was later came up with the presentation of souvenirs to the respective important persons. The end of the closing ceremony marked the end of the Sakura@Kenyalang Festival.

At the end, I represent SEB (Multimedia Unit) would like to thank committee line of Sakura@Kenyalang for the fantastic work they have done in preparations, organization and the hosting of this meaningful event, and of course our beloved fellow for the large work they have put into this. Thank you.

Prepared by: Fatin Shahirah binti Amanzuria


Pada 21 Mac 2018, program terakhir bagi Malam Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Festival Sakura@Kenyalang 2018 telah diadakan. Tarian Tradisional dan Etnik telah dijayakan di Pentas Utama yang terletak di perkarangan tempat parkir Blok C, Kolej Sakura. Program ini diadakan bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan memartabatkan lagi budaya dan adat resam pelbagai kaum di Malaysia.

Pengacara majlis telah memulakan majlis dengan memperkenalkan para tetamu jemputan yang hadir serta juri jemputan  khas untuk mengadili persembahan peserta. Dua juri yang dijemput merupakan koreografer profesional yang arif tentang tarian etnik dan tradisional iaitu Encik Muhammad Hambali Tumiran dan Encik Joe Unus.

 Pertandingan ini telah disertai oleh tiga buah kelab kebudayaan kolej-kolej di UNIMAS. Kelab Creatist Cempaka merupakan kumpulan pertama yang mempersembahkan persembahan mereka. Kelab Xpresso Kolej Sakura seterusnya telah menjayakan persembahan mereka dengan tarian etnik dan tradisional yang memukaukan. Persembahan terakhir adalah daripada Kelab ArtKal Alamanda dengan tarian mereka yang penuh bersemangat.

Pertandingan tamat tepat pada pukul 11.00 malam. Sesi pemberian cenderahati kepada pihak juri jemputan telah dijayakan oleh pengarah program Festival Sakura@Kenyalang 2018, Elisa Elizabeth anak Jihed.

Disediakan oleh : Nur Ihdinaa Aq'la binti Rashdi


 On the 24th of March 2018, an event solely held to promote blindness disability awareness was held in conjunction of the SAKURA@KENYALANG Festival 2018. Participants came as early as 7.30 a.m. for the registration session. The event was held in UNIMAS Stadium. Each participant were given a bib, a t-shirt and a special tool, an eye cover. Event starts sharp at 7.45 am with a Zumba session for a warm-up exercise. 

 There were barricade tapes all over the venue and participants were told to use the blindfold to walk with the absence of their eyesight. This challenging event was done simply to bring more awareness to the society about the blind and gives a refreshing experience to the people.

Almost 140 participants joined the fun and most of them were laughing as they struggled to follow the barricade tapes along the way. Participants were helped by the committee team to finish the walk. Many described the experience as something new and fresh, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that it should be a yearly event. Every participant went home with a medal and a certificate.

Before going back, participants were served with a refreshing beverage, Milo and a scrumptious and nutritious cereal cup sponsored by the event. A huge congratulations to everyone who made the event a success. 

Prepared by, Nur Ihdinaa Aq'la binti Rashdi